My OLED should be shipping Monday, so I was hoping to get some recs on some peripherals before it arrives. I’m looking for a travel mouse, keyboard, and hub that does HDMI out. I’m prioritizing small size and low price over creature comforts and features because it won’t be my primary gaming device. The use case for the mouse and keyboard is mainly for OS navigation and text entry, but also the occasional gaming input if I want to play a strategy RPG or point-and-click adventure while I’m sitting at a table or in a plane or whatever. The ideal price point would be $20-$30 US, obviously leaning closer to $20 US if possible, and because I’d want to use them for gaming, they would hopefully do both Bluetooth and 2.4GHz wireless.

For the mouse, I’m pretty sure I’ve decided on a Logitech Pebble. It’s cheap, tiny, and does both wireless standards. The fact that it’s only three button is kind of a bummer, but at $20 US, it’s probably unreasonable to expect something has M4 and M5 buttons without getting some white label no-name mouse with a garbage sensor.

For the hub, I don’t know if the brand or “premiumness” really matters at all, or if I should just buy whatever the cheapest one I can find that has the ports that I need. The price range for hubs is massive. This Anker one is my top choice so far, but I’m looking around to see if there’s anything smaller.

The keyboard is where I’m really struggling. The Logitech K380 would be my choice, but it’s bluetooth only, and while that’s not a big deal if I’m just dicking around the OS or inputting passwords or whatever, I don’t know if I could deal with the input lag while gaming. I’ve seen some 60% mechanical keyboards from white label Chinese companies, but they’re a bit too bulky to really be portable. Although, that one caught my eye because while Amazon has it listed at $30, I’ve seen what is probably the exact same keyboard on Aliexpress for like $10 US. And I’ve seen recommendations here on Reddit for those very tiny thumb keyboards, like the type PDAs used to have in the early 2000s, but those seem utterly unusable for gaming. Does anyone have any recommendations on a keyboard that fits all of my very specific criteria?