So last night I was having trouble getting my save for Verlet Swing to upload to the cloud so that I could continue on my PC. I went to where the prefix was even and pulled the save over to the PC manually but it just didn’t work. The Deck would also make me start a new save if I changed to Proton Experimental, but if I switched back to nothing set in Compatibility, my save was right there, working. I noticed the cloud save said 0 bytes were stored so I decided to restart my Deck to see if that helped. It did the opposite.

When my Deck came back up, the SD card had become corrupted and I had to wipe the whole thing. That’s no big deal, I just have to re-download a few games. I don’t know why it happened from a system restart, but I started downloaded my games again. This is when more weird stuff started happening.

Now, certain games just cannot start if they have certain versions of Proton set, specifically whatever I had set before the SD card wipe. I’m suspecting it has something to do with the fact that I had used the Compatdata Mover to move my stuff to the now wiped SD card, so the symlink is looking for something that isn’t there anymore. However I cannot figure out how to delete the symlinks I had made, or if that is even part of the problem. I tried using Cryoutilities to sync the data but still nothing. I figured out that the games will work and cloud saves sync just fine once I set a new version of Proton that wasn’t set before the wipe, but that is a problem cause sometimes I needed that version of Proton to make the game work better. When I have the version set that I used to use, the cloud sync fails and the game doesn’t even open. It’s like the place the game is looking for the prefix just doesn’t exist, even if I try to let it update and rebuild the prefix. I’ve even tried verifying the integrity of the game files and the Proton installations. The games just won’t work with the previous version of Proton I had set. Mostly Proton Experimental, I’ve noticed.

I actually have a new 1tb SSD that I am about to install, so my next real step is probably going to be to just factory restore the whole thing back to nothing when I put the new SSD in and start from zero, but I was planning on cloning my SSD to the new one before cause I had it set up the way I liked it. Can anyone possibly help me here? Is there a way to restore the symlinks back to the internal storage so the games won’t be looking for a prefix where it isn’t or whatever is happening. Or does anyone have any clue what is happening here? Why did my SD Card even corrupt from a restart too? Should I just wipe it and factory restore? I have so many questions lol