Hello, I’ve been using two separate phones for years to keep my personal and my work life separated. It is great as in I can forget 100% about work on the weekends, or after hours. But the downside is that on working hours I have to carry two phones everywhere or if I go to the gym during the day I have to be with my work phone and my personal one stays in the locker.

I was thinking about buying an iPhone 15 pro max and use it as both my personal and my work phone simultaneously. I’ve been trying the “Focus” option to test its limits and I have some questions I hope someone could answer. So far, I’ve been able to mute notifications from apps that are work related, when I activate my “Personal” focus. I can also have different home screens so that I don’t even see the apps that are work related, but that’s about it.

- I would be using two sim cards (or e-sims). Is there a way so that I can “deactivate” my work sim card while I’m on “Personal” Focus?. I know I can ignore calls from people I select, but a lot of the times I get calls or texts from numbers I don’t have registered, so it wouldn’t make a difference.

- Even if I choose different home screen with different apps, the dock stays the same. I would like to have my email and whatsapp business on my dock for my “Work” focus, but not for my “Personal” Focus. Is that possible?

- If I use a Gmail account for work, but I use a different Gmail account for my personal stuff. Is there a way so that on “Personal” the emails I see are from my personal account, and vice versa.

- How can I separate my contacts? I would like to keep my work contacts and my personal contacts separated, and if it’s possible that different focus (Work and Personal) show different contacts.

- Is there a way to have a google account linked to a specific focus, and another one for the other? It is similar to what I asked regarding the e-mail stuff, but now that I remember some apps like google calendar, sheets, docs, drive, etc are linked to different accounts. I would like to be able to easily access my work stuff and my personal stuff, without having to change accounts on the google apps every time.

I’ve been trying to look for answers but haven’t found any, maybe the answer to my questions is simply “It can’t be done” and that I would be better off just having two separate phones as I’ve had so far. But maybe there is a way to achieve all of that and someone here knows how.

Thanks in advance!