So i tried switching from a S23 Ultra to a Iphone 15 Pro.

I realy like the phone but the refresh rate is unbarable for me.

In rare moments the phone feels buttery smoth, but most of the time it feels like it is running at 60-90hz.
I found out that you can force it to use 120hz by screen-recording and Airplay.
my question is, is there a way to disable the dynamic Promotion.

On Android it is nealy always running on 120hz, the Iphone in direct comparion just feels slow an unresponsive.

I realy whant to try the phone for at least a year but curently i am back on the S23 and i feel robed.

I mean you cant tell me this is because of battery drain or some dumm stuff like that.
The S23 and the 15 Pro have realy fast Chips, than why is nearly every app limeted to 90hz.

I hope some on can help me give the phone second chance, otherwise im staying with android.