I already looked over this thread, which starts with someone having the same problem, but their solution didn’t help me. My SSD is firmly inserted into the enclosure, the Steam Deck sees the enclosure/drive and correctly identifies its capacity, and a separate Windows machine also sees the drive in the enclosure and its correct size.

I’ve got a 2TB Rocket from Sabrent in a Sabrent external enclosure and am trying to clone everything from my Steam Deck’s 512GB drive onto it. I’m following this guide.

My Steam Deck is connected to a JSAUX dock, and the external enclosure is plugged into the dock.

When I type:

sudo lsblk

I do see the enclosure/drive in the output with the name sda and a capacity of 1.8T

However, every time I get to the step in which I execute this command, to clone the drive:

sudo dd if=/dev/xxxx of=/dev/sda oflag=sync bs=128M status=progress

It starts cloning it, makes it to around 7.6 - 7.8 GB, then stops and says “No space left on device”.

Curiously, it will do this even if I unplug the drive.

I think it’s correctly seeing the drive when it’s connected, but is not correctly cloning to the right destination, is not cloning to the drive in the enclosure, though “sda” should indeed be the correct destination for the output.

Has anyone else encountered this or have any ideas what might be happening?