I bought a docking station and a monitor for my deck. In the settings for the deck I set the resolution to the external monitor resolution. I even tried the auto resolution too. No matter what every single game I have to go to the Steam cog for that game and go to Properties>General and then set the resolution there.
Anyone know if there is a way to fix this? If I don’t do that above steps the max resolution in game is the steamdeck native resolution.
It’s also annoying that it seems that the setting applies to both the internal display and the external displays. Not sure why it can’t be separated
it is separated
Oh it is? I guess I should play around with it some more. But I had a game that was always left on default, then while docked I changed it to 4k. But then later on after playing handheld again for a while I checked again and it was still listed as 4k in the properties so I kinda gave up on it.