Hi reddit , i am really late for this train and got few and confused info thanks to internet (2 vs 3 , official pencil vs third party etc). I am studying medicine and need to take notes in the morning during lessons or while the hospital turns. My questions are: 1 it is light to carry around? 2 can i write standing up or need a desk? 3 can i upload my notes to google drive to study the evening and review patients? 4 how sensibile is to damage and can i use a bag or h24 case? 5 is it worth and work in 2023-4 with only the base set (i do not like premium or + or other money leach stuff) 6 does it have only wifi or also LAN and bluetooth? 7 is it better to wait for v3 than the old v2? 8 please somebody that live in italy could share here some info and experience with it

  • sucksdorff@alien.topB
    11 months ago
    1. Yes. Though you will want a case that def. stays closed if you plan to carry it out around a lot.
    2. It’s possible but not the most comfortable as the device is quite big and it will require a specific position to be enough sturdy to write on.
    3. Yep.
    4. With the right protection it should be fine. I would not carry it around in a tote bag but something similar to a laptop case will be fine. (I actually carry mine around with my laptop in my laptop case.)
    5. I would not get the device without the Remarkable connect. It’s free for one year and the second year it costs 36€ (in Europe) so it’s not a major cost.
    6. WiFi.
    7. Don’t know.
    8. I live in Italy but I’m struggling to think what is the particularity of Italian use. The device arrived super quick, I think I ordered on Friday and got it on Monday. The device comes with a 100 day trial period so you are quite safe trying the device out before committing to keeping it!
  • Latter_Solution673@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Google Drive, Dropbox, or Onedrive access is just to download files from there. So if you want to upload something out of the RM2, you should send it by email or using the desktop app (and web acces) when synchronized.

    The connection is vía wifi and there is a way to do it by usb wire and a terminal like acces.

    I wouldn’t write standing up, because I’m a little clumsy so I think my tablet would fall from my hands and break easily gif

    • alib_austx@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      One can also upload files and notebooks as pdf to GDrive etc. without any issues afaik.

  • uaxolotl@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Hi. Let’s see if I can shed some light.

    1. The confusion might be because you have the hardware being named reMarkable 2, while the software is in version 3.x. Last I checked (a few months ago) there was no intention in updating the hardware any time soon, but even if there is it would be bad policy for them to let us know.

    2. it depends on what you call light, and for how long do you carry it. The hardware is about 400 grams, then it depends on what’s the cover you have for it. The type folio weights about 450g, so more than doubles it’s weight. The other 2 folios should be significantly lighter. Carrying around something like 600g is doable for hours (if you’re in decent physical condition), but you’ll probably be feeling it after a couple of hours;

    3. you can definitely write standing up, though in my opinion it’s not the most comfortable due to its weight and size;

    4. reMarkable has direct integration w/Google drive, so it shouldn’t be any problem. I’m just not sure if you need reMarkable connect for that or not;

    5. Don’t know. But I wouldn’t have one without a folio to protect it;

    6. it depends on how you use it and what you mean by it. For me the type folio didn’t made sense for how I intended to use it, but the marker plus is a must (for me);

    7. as far as I know only wifi;

    8. as I’ve said as far as I know there’s no intention to release a v3 hardware any time soon, but I don’t have any inside information;

    9. sorry, don’t live in Italy.

    Hope this helped. Feel free to ask further questions and best of luck,

  • kg4zow@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If you link the tablet to the “reMarkable Connect” service, be aware that every notebook or PDF, and all notes that you wrote in/on them, are stored in a cloud service owned by google, in the EU, and are not encrypted. This means that anybody at reMarkable, or at google, or anybody who “hacks” into their systems, will be able to read your notes.

    I mention this because you mention “review[ing] patients”, and I just had to re-do my annual HIPAA training for $DAYJOB last month. You may need to consider whether it’s legal for you to store patient info in a tablet which syncs with the reMarkable Connect service.

    One option, at least in the US, is this: reMarkable has agreed to sign a Business Associate Agreement with any customer who asks. This BAA makes them liable for any data breach caused by a problem with their systems. It’s not clear to me whether this BAA would also cover google, dropbox, or microsoft.

    • I don’t know if the GDPR has any provision for something similar, or if it’s even necessary. I’m vaguely aware of the GDPR but I don’t know a lot of the details.

    • For people in the US, the Terms and Conditions for Connect, section 9, paragraph 3, has a link to the PDF you (or somebody in your hospital’s legal daprtment) would need to sign and email back to them in order for the BAA to be in force.

    Another option, which I have chosen for my own tablets, is to not link your tablet to the reMarkable Connect service in the first place. This is mostly because it’s hosted with google, and I don’t trust google not to snoop through my files. Their entire business model is based around advertising, and they have a long history of violating peoples’ privacy to feed their advertising database, even after promising the world they wouldn’t do that.

    Of course this would mean you wouldn’t be able to send files to “google drive”, and you wouldn’t be able to use the handwriting recognition (which is done by a third party’s online API).

    Finally, be aware that the the tablet only talks to the reMarkable Connect service, it never talks directly to google, dropbox, microsoft, or myscript. When you set up an integration with one of these services, you are giving reMarkable’s servers access to your accounts on those services - which again means that reMarkable, or anybody who “hacks” their servers, could also access your accounts on those services, and read not just your reMarkable files, but any files stored there.

    Other things that come to mind from your questions …

    • Most “folios”, including the ones from reMarkable, attach to the tablet magnetically. The magnets aren’t particularly strong, if you’re going to be walking around with the tablet there’s a chance it may “fall out of” the folio and hit the floor, which is NOT GOOD™.

      I use this case with both of my tablets. It “clips on to” the tablet mechanically, and it has a cut-out on the side for a reMarkable stylus, in the right spot for it to magnetically attach to the tablet, which fully encloses the stylus while it’s closed (so there’s very little chance of the stylus falling off).

    • I have one of each reMarkable stylus. I don’t use the “eraser” function at all, either using the “other end” of the stylus, or the eraser tool on the menu, so for me the extra money I spent on the “plus” stylus wasn’t worth it. However I do like the fact that the stylii fit into the cut-outs in the cases I’m using, so for me the cost of the normal stylus was worth it.

    • Johnnyg150@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      Yeah the comment about Patients was a 🚩 for me too. There is the BAA but I agree it all seems quite confusing about what the BAA covers re integrations and handwriting conversion. Not to mention the device is max secured by a 4 digit pin, which wouldn’t be acceptable for other devices in healthcare, with no MDM remote wipe functionality.