Hello! I have 2 years worth of amazon birthday giftcards to use towards a refurbished laptop.

My criteria:

  • Ram: 16gb
  • Storage: 512gb+
  • Price: $1200 (have $1010 in gift cards)

My current options (all are 16gb, 512gb):

  • Air 13 m2 ($1159)
  • Air m1 ($999)
  • Pro 16 intel ($689)
  • Pro 13 intel ($679)
  • Pro 13 m1 ($1119)

I added the intel macs bc I can download bootcamp (idk if that’s too important, I’d love to know if it is). Plus the intel ones I added are the ones with the updated keyboards and newer intel processors from 2020. Some of these options do not require $1200, so if there is leftover money, any product recommendations would be great.

Note: there’s no tax, my state has no sales tax.