It was never designed to be a ‘replacement’ for a regular gamepad. You can see this in all the marketing from back then. It shows people playing games like Cities Skylines on a TV, games that, to this day, still play terribly on controller.
It was designed to play PC only KB/M games. Not really gamepad games. The amount of FPS games I played with this thing, at a decently high level, is astounding. Plus the amount of mouse-only games too
It was never designed to be a ‘replacement’ for a regular gamepad. You can see this in all the marketing from back then. It shows people playing games like Cities Skylines on a TV, games that, to this day, still play terribly on controller.
It was designed to play PC only KB/M games. Not really gamepad games. The amount of FPS games I played with this thing, at a decently high level, is astounding. Plus the amount of mouse-only games too