I’m surprised Apple has not done more to port more Indie-Games onto their devices as a strategy to build larger collection of fun affordable games across many genres?
bcoz Indie Games do not make heads turn. When you say iphone can Resident Evil there will be articles, news headlines. no one gives a shit if they announce it can run spiritfarer or celeste
Yeah that’s true about publicity. Still I think Indies over a period of time will create more sustained interest and a developer community of indies is really helpful too a variety of ways.
bcoz Indie Games do not make heads turn. When you say iphone can Resident Evil there will be articles, news headlines. no one gives a shit if they announce it can run spiritfarer or celeste
Yeah that’s true about publicity. Still I think Indies over a period of time will create more sustained interest and a developer community of indies is really helpful too a variety of ways.