Hello Everyone,

With SteamOS 3.5 in the wild comming wiht Podman preinstalled on it I’ve taken stab and created simple scripts to allow printing from Steam Deck.

This is proof of concept of method to add printer (I’ve tested only network printer) and print from Steam Deck without need to change any root files or invoking root privileges. This one should survive system upgrades though although requires initial setup (using script) and run script every time when you will want to print something.

There are serval other methods like unlocking Steam Deck and installing CUPS server directly (will not survive system upgrade), installing second operating system (require dual booting) or probably other ones that I did not hear about.

  1. Credits
    Container I’m using in this method was created and is maintained by olbat and all credits for it goes to him.


  1. Prerequisites
    - Steam OS 3.5 (tested on 3.5.5) - versions over 3.5.0 are coming with Podman preinstalled that is essential for this method
    - Internet access - script need to be able to download container from Docker Hub

  2. Process
    - Run initial-run.sh (file will delete itself after initial run as will not be needed afterwards)
    - Configure your printer in CUPS ( making sure that printer you will want to use is set up as DEFAULT
    - Print something from Steam Deck to PDF file and put it in /home/deck/print/jobs/ directory (there can be multiple files - all should be printed)
    - Run pod-print.sh and wait for print to finish (note that PDF files from jobs directory will be deleted)

For details and files please visit my Github:

Link to Steam Community:
