I can’t seem to find similar opinions out there so I am feeling like this belongs more in r/aita but are does anyone have a good channel on YouTube for people who teach others how to fix PCs? Everything popping into my algorithm results are just people who guess and swap parts.

“PC won’t turn on? Swap the Motherboard, CPU, Case, Power Supply, and CPU cooler (so only really keeping the SSD and RAM)!” This mentality doesn’t teach newer generation of PC enthusiasts much and gives the impression that taking care of issues themselves is costly.

The “Fixing a Viewer’s Broken PC” string of videos by Greg Salazar are exactly what I am talking about as not being helpful. I’ve never once heard him mention an Event Log or do any investigation.

  • kikazztknmz@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What you posted seems a little extreme for the beginning, but there are plenty of how-to’s that teach you the basics from the beginning, honestly just the first set of videos from an A+ video. Won’t turn on? First thing you do is unplug everything, give it a couple minutes, try it again. Still won’t? Same thing, but hold down the power button while off and unplugged (so it discharges the capacitors), then try again. Still no? remove cmos battery and do the above…I’m not sure exactly what videos you’re looking for, but there are definitely lots of them out there. Sometimes it’s a matter of asking the right question.