Alright, so if there is a better place to ask this lmk. Thanks to the folks over at realtek, i was able to enable p2p support for the steamdeck’s wireless card the rtw8822ce. Now it seems steamOS itself is being a pain in the behind. Gnome network displays doesnt launch in desktop mode, but spits out this error:

Stessage: 22:08:58. 068efopled to load module “canberra-gtk-module”

( gnome-network-displays:2): GEK-WARNING **: 22:08:58.075: cannot open display:

And in nested desktop mode, it actualy does launch and can see devices that I can connect and screen mirror too, but it doesnt connect and these errors happen:

F: Can’t get document portal: GDBus. Error:org.freedesktop.portal.Error.Failed: Can’t mount path / run/user/1000/doc

(gnome-network-displays:2): Gdk-WARNING**: 22:15:18.743: Failed to read portal settings: GDBus. Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error Unknownmethod: No such interface ?org. freedesktop-portal.Settings? on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop (gnome-network-displays:2):

Gnd-WARNING **: 22:15:19.262: Error calling DBus method Screencast portal initialization: GDBus.Error:org-freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface ?org. freedesktop-portal.ScreenCast? on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop

(gnome-network-displays:2): Gnd-WARNING **: 22:15:19.262: Error initializing screencast portal: GDBus.Error:org-freedesktop-DBus .Error.UnknownMethod: No suc h interface ?org.freedesktop.portal.Screencast? on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop

(gnome-network-displays:2): Gnd-WARNING **: 22:15:19.262: Screencasting portal is unavailable! It is required to select the monitor to stream!

(gnome-network-displays=2): Gnd-WARNING **: 22:15:19.262: Falling back to X11! You need to fix your setup to avoid issues (XDG Portals and/or mutter screencasting support)!

So yea. Anyone who knows the inerworkings of steamos or arch in general want to educate me?