Hi everyone 👋 I’m thinking about switching from my iPhone to a Samsung (S23 Ultra maybe) but as I’m a 8 years+ iPhone user, I have some questions about the switch

  1. I really need a function like Hide my Email that my iPhone has, does something like this exist on Android/Samsung ?

  2. I listen a lot of podcasts and Overcast is one of the best app I’ve ever used for that. Is there an equivalent ? (With cutting silence and such options)

  3. Is Samsung wallet as good as Apple Wallet?

  4. Is the Watch as good as the Apple one’s (connectivity and features like sports and pay with the watch) ?

  5. And is it worth on your opinion ?

Thanks for your time and your answers Have a great day 😊

  • Alortania@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I can’t speak for some things, as the closest thing I’ve had to an iphone was the OG iTouch… but;

    1. I didn’t know what “Hide my Email” was, but a quick google led me to an article that shows multiple android alternatives. No clue how good they are, and looks like they do require an extra app, but google is your friend :P

    2. Ditto for the podcast thing

    3. samsung lets you pick between samsung wallet and google wallet. I think google has the most breadth, though I’ve been using samsung wallet so long I’ve no real reason to swap over. If anything google will have more features and be more widely supported than apple. Assuming you have gmail as your main email. it’ll auto-add events it finds there to your calendar, boarding passes, etc.

    4. TBH it depends what you use your phone for, and how tied into the apple ecosystem you are. Android gives you a lot more choices, so it’s easier to find something that’s right for you (I want a built-in stylus and great camera; you might want a phablet phone like the fold or something cheaper than a flagship or something with [whatever feature]), and somewhere in the android sphere it exists. Apple you have a couple choices that basically amount to “do you want more features or to spend less money?” vs actual difference based on user scenarios.

    Most apps have dupes on either side. I know some apple people get hurt by the blue sms BS and them not showing likes and things properly (something Apple is holding back; not a limitation of android), lack of facetime (vs using msgr or other dedicated app), and apple products not quite working as well with a non-apple phone (again, by design, but then samsung does it too with a few watch features demanding a galaxy phone - so it’s NOT just an Apple thing).

    • Arthaas@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Thanks for your detailed answer 😃 The first 3 points are my non negotiable points and seems to be answered in a way I’m pretty afraid of the switch because despite the apps to get all the data from the iPhone, it seems to be pretty hard and not always reliable So I’ll continue to investigate a bit more but you will certainly find me on the other side soon 😄