Found a T480 for 270 USD! (laptops are pretty expensive here)

i7 8th gen processor, 16 gigs of ram and 512 gb SSD…

The SSD is in good health so they won’t be needing replacement any time soon. But the battery is around 80% and I’m thinking of doing a display upgrade to something with better colour accuracy if I do get it.

Planning to run windows on this thing and use it mostly for web browsing, lots of YouTube, notion and Anki (Med student life). I have an iPad which I use for taking notes and it syncs to my notion and I use a Droid. Not really worried about the whole integration thing and battery life isn’t that concerning as well.

My biggest concern in the longevity… I tend to use my tech for a pretty long time before I replace or upgrade. Or a lot of people recommended me a Mac too, but I can’t afford anything more than a used base M1 Mac air. I don’t mind the display resolution I just need accurate colours for movies which I watch at 1080p anyway. Text and stuff looked totally fine to me even at 1080p.

so… what do you’ll think, is it a worthwhile purchase? Or should I steer towards the Mac considering the longevity as the main deciding factor?