Whenever I try to play either of the modern Doom games via my Steam Deck, it acts as though I’m playing with a controller, even though I have a mouse and keyboard connected to the system via my dock. As a result, certain functions are completely broken for me, such as the cycling through the weapon wheel in either game (I can still pull it up, it just doesn’t read any inputsfor the wheel), I can’t pick what runes to use in 2016 (same story), I can’t skip cutscenes in Eternal, I can’t properly turn the map in Eternal, I can’t even do anything whenever there’s a loading screen that’s pure black with a loading percent/press A in the bottom right corner. And both of them have controller prompts in menus and tutorials even after I disable controller inputs. I can get around most of these by reaching over to my deck and pressing the buttons on that directly, but that’s kind of a shit solution, especially when I tried turning off controller inputs. Anyone know of a way to make these games read my mouse and Keyboard as default? Because I’ve never had this issue with other shooters, not even the Quake 2 remaster from a few months ago.