So after years of being an Android fan, I finally decided to move to an iPhone 15. There were a couple of features that Samsung didn’t have, so I switched.

To my annoyance, I find out that the iPhone has one basic feature that is missing and I cannot believe that people haven’t said anything about it. Android users will understand what I am saying, as you read this post.

The most annoying thing about the iPhone experience is that when you are on a phone call, the notifications are not muted !!! This has completely blown my mind!!

iPhone has features/ settings to help you avoid loud noises in your surrounding or whilst listening to music at high volumes via headphones, but nothing to solve my issue - notifications when you are on a call!

So when I am on a call, I get sms’s or emails or any number of notifications and they all come straight to my ear, almost deafening me. It’s extremely loud and apparently there is no way to stop it! This never ever happened to me when I used a Samsung. Furthermore, the notification volume is linked to the ringer volume, this is sooo stupid!

#iphone #savemyear

Honestly, how do you guys survive!

Let’s be honest and help me with this poll.

You have your iPhone on mute

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