Hi everyone!
I’m considering getting a RM2 as my first ever e-ink device, but I have in mind a specific usage for it, and I can’t seem to find consistent and reliable information about it online. I would love to know how well and if at all I will be able to perform these tasks on a Remarkable 2.

- So, my main use case for the device will be reading documents, books and manga (more often manga than the others). How simple and fast is the process to transfer these kind of files to the tablet? Can I take notes directly on a book or document?

- Of course, I also intend to use the device to simply take notes (even tho that won’t be its main purpose for me), how does transferring notes between a RM2 and a MacBook works? Can I export them as PDFs?

- Can it browse the internet or not? I’ve read so many different takes on this, like that it can’t do that natively, that there are hacks to do so, or again that you need some kind extensions to convert webpages into PDFs and send them to the device… My question is, even with hacks, can it browse the internet by itself, without the help of any other device?

- Lastly, I would love to read blogposts through RSS feeds, can it do it, with or without hacks?

Thank you!! :)