Just pulled the trigger on an OLED. I haven’t played a game on my PC for over a year, it’s simply used to stream football matches to my Chromecast on the weekends.
I already have a laptop and a PS5 that can do the heavy lifting. I also have a PS Vita that gets used daily simply because it’s so convenient, so I know the Steam Deck will get some play.
Just curious about others.
Definitely. It also doesn’t help that I do shift work and sit down at work all day. While I still do use my PC extensively for other things other than gaming, I have been doing all of my gaming for the past 9 months on my Deck and PS4 and have started using my laptop more frequently.
Also, the idea of chilling down in bed or the couch with my fiancé while we’re both playing with our Decks is very nice 😊