
Here is my use case. I’m not a big big player, I have my phases, it was Zelda during 6 months, it will be Anno for the next few weeks, and then probably nothing until the next one.

My only consoles currently are my switch and Gforce Now.

My only consoles currently are my Switch and Gforce Now. ve a “real console” - I was thinking about a PS5 at the beginning, but now that I see the SD I have some doubts. Being able to play on a TV, on my bed, or on my desk with a mouse and keyboard looks very nice to me!

Buuuut, I also red that it was a tech-savvy console, you can do a lot of stuff but it’s not plug & play.

So my question is :

- Yes it is a real console => go for the last OLED with big storage and forgot the PS5,

Let me know your thoughts!

  • Björn Tantau@swg-empire.de
    10 months ago

    The Steam games are pretty much plug and play. And if you read one simple tutorial on how to add Gforce Now to Steam (you basically just add a browser that goes to Gforce Now on start) that should also be plug and play from then on.

    Everything beyond that depends on if you want to do it. Like, if you want to play games from other stores you more or less download another app like Heroic, add that to Steam and it’s plug and play from then on. If you want to get into emulation, you add your emulator with a ROM to Steam and it’s plug and play from then on.

    So, if you never leave the Steam eco-system it’s plug and play. If you find something beyond that you want to do but don’t know how you look up a tutorial and with that you usually end up with another game you can just click on and play. But you don’t have to do that.

    The Steam Deck is only as complicated as you want it to be.