a friend of mine want to build a PC and we’re struggling at picking a CPU. our range is 13400f-13500-13600KF. While i dont like youtube videos as benchmark, i must admit they were quite consistent regarding a behaviour i cant understand. In those video, each of those CPUS have a fixed frequency of
4.09 Ghz, 4.49 Ghz and 5.1 Ghz respectively. While the 5.1Ghz of the 13600K/KF are quite understandable, as Intel’s ark website state the max boost frequency for a 13600KF is 5.1ghz, why the 13400f, advertised having a max frequency of 4.6ghz, is stuck at 4.09 and the 13500 shows 4.49Ghz instead of the advertised 4.8 ? I believe it is TDP/power limit related but they do not seems to draw that much power.

One of those vidz if anyone need to see it.


  • Mikefordodge@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The 13 500 is a great CPU for the money if you’re not seeing 4.8 you need to enable TAO boost 2. If your temperatures are good, I used a $54 AIO. 240X snow off Amazon. I could go all the way through Tom Smite, extreme and stay at 4.8 the entire time.

    Search: 13500 A770 3d mark. User Mike4dodge
