It’s so bad that it looks beautiful.
Clean it and everything will be ok.
Looks like my ceiling fan if I don’t clean it every month or two… I live in the country where it’s always dusty. My laptop will be 5 years old in January, and just cleaned it for the first time. It wasn’t even a 1/4th that dirty.
No words
You dirty pig 🤢
I’ve had the vents on my legion get pretty dusty but never that bad.
Um. I think you do use it in a dirty environment. If years of university have taught me anything, it’s that people are nasty and don’t know it.
Also depends on the type of environment.
While I was in Africa in a shipping container converted to living space while deployed my laptop after 8 months of not being cleaned didn’t have much dust inside.
I get to Fort Bliss for demob and the thing is dusty again within 1 month.
Since I been in Virginia about every 3 months for same build up however much cleaner living space
Holy cow. That dust came from somewhere.
Cans of air are your friend.
this has to be a joke? right?
1 year living in NON DUSTY enviroment?
bro what you think we believe in Santa Claus as well? 😂🙈
That’s insane. Clean it immediately. I know you said you don’t use it in a dirty environment, but this surely doesn’t happen from a clean environment
How is that fan even turning? Or is it not what the what is that
Maybe he traveled in the desert without your know .it happens
I got a laptop early 2020, which I’m still using. I have never cleaned it, and there’s maybe 5% of the dust in the fans that’s in this picture. You definitely are using it in a dirty environment.
TIL: “Dirty environments” and “bed often” are very relative terms.