So as mentioned in another post, I purchased a 64 gig and a 512 gig from GameStop. I wanted to see if there was any difference in quality of refurb before deciding which one to keep and sending the other back.

The 64 gig goes in and out of stock pretty quickly so was curious the quality.

The 64 gig refurbished box was already opened when I removed it from the main box, with the word display on the side…the fans smelled like smoke and the screws on the back were stripped down enough it was impossible to remove to make any upgrades. Clearly a thrown together effort on GS.

The 512 gig was a different story. Absolute pristine condition. Everything packaged well and looks brand new. Battery health was 100 percent and the screws, from what I could tell didn’t looked touched. Yes I could try and swap out the 64 gig and replace ssd, but the hassle of the swap out and the condition of the deck just didn’t make me feel to good, so I’ll just keep the 512.

Obviously not everyone who orders Refurb decks will have same experience. I just kinda had a gut feeling that the 512 gig SD would be given a little more care due to them being readily available.

Just my experience.