RTX 4070 i7 14700k 16GB 6000MHz RAM DDR5 ASUS TUF GAMING Z790-PLUS 1TB SAMSUNG 990 Pro m.2
If I don’t want to go over budget I need to choose between a nicer case with better airflow or a 750W (thanks in advance)
You can use a website like pcpartpicker and put all the parts in to get an estimated power draw.
You’ll be fine with 550W
Nvidia recommends 650W for 4070 so you’ll be fine. But if i were you I would swap 990 pro for a 980 pro. You wont notice a difference in daily use and can use the saved money for a better PSU.
This is a question for r/BuildaPC not r/hardware.
But to answer it, 650 is not really up to it. rtx4070 can draw 200w and the 14700k can draw 250w. That’s over half your PSU wattage capability with only 2 components. Hard drives can be 20w a piece, mobo draws 30-80w, fans can draw up to 5w each, a water pump can draw another 20w (liquid aio cooler). I adds up fast. That does not mean the 650w PSU won’t handle it, it just means that with other components on top of it you could potentially be putting a taxing load on that PSU. Potentially is important here. Most PSU’s can handle more than rated. Some components can also draw more than rated. It’s not an exact science because power draw can fluctuate wildly at times. This is why most spec a PSU that can handle max system power draw (including all components) and still have room to spare. I personally try to get a PSU that is ~30-50% higher than system demand.