two things to mention, then i will ask my question…

there’s ‘E5’ Xeon CPUs.

those with models numbers like that : x6yy . those 'yy’s are like submodels that differ in some capabilities like base and turbo frequencies and cahche so on…

,those ((x)) here is the more important part.

when that (x) is 1 = it refere to a ‘1s’ cpu that only 1 cpu can connect and use in the motherboard.

when that (x) number is 2 = it means it’s ‘2s’ scale cpu that can putted in dual cpu machine setup .

and also like that for the (x) is 4 = s4 scale cpu…

that was a main thing to consider.

second thing is the ‘version’ of the cpu. with those in mind ‘what i wrote above’ in addition to that there’s something called ‘V.x’ which is v=version , and that (x) number here is means the version number, so v2 is cpu version 2 , then v3 means the cpu is version3 and no v used or maybe using v1 just to mention is means the cpu is the version 1, that version can be marked also as ‘code name’ they have a code name for what so called ‘generation?’ like that. (same model number can be found in v1 and v2 and v3).

…those was TWO main things to consider before choosing the Xeon CPU for your motherboard(as starter kit info to know…).

now my question is,

using an compatible E5 Xeon that’s starts with (x) = 2 , like E5-26yy . with motherboard that only allow 1 cpu , like x79 ones , it will just work ?

to be more specific, is choosing an E5-26yy V.2 , which is a code name is Ivy Bridge will just work with an x79 motherboard with updated bios that support the Ivy Bridge ? that will match that well right ? need a confirmation .
