I keep seeing people saying things like, “it’s not like the lcd version becomes useless after the OLED” and that’s true. However, there was no real warning in advance that this was coming. In fact, Valve played up how much it wasn’t coming and how satisfied they were with the original deck.

I decided to go with the deck over the ally shortly after the reviews because of steamOS and the ease of use experience, but with the OLED announced now I can’t help but feel like I got played.

Between the OLED, the ally and the original, I now have the device with the worst screen, the loudest fan and as someone who also plays plugged in all the time, the worst performance(as far as power and wifi goes).

They couldn’t have given a heads up to us that a refresh was coming? A tempering of the expectations, saying hey, it’s not a steam deck 2, but stay tuned. If I had known this just a few months ago I would’ve waited or bought the ally.

I’ve always considered myself a valve fanboy and I know technology moves fast, but this feels pretty blatantly anti-consumer, which isn’t typically valves approach.

At the end of the day buyer beware I suppose.

  • stoic_dolphin@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    it was everything you’re saying it was at the time you chose to purchase it. the ony thing that changed was YOU. What you are saying now is like being mad at everything that you own right now because whatever succeeds any particular item in the future will make what you have now feel less significant and inferior. This is the mentality that fills the surface of this planet with still viable “waste” and why our kids and their kids will curse our names long after we are gone. Evolve - and when I say that I am saying it to myself as much as I am to everyone else. Our rush for the latest greatest is killing this planet.

  • MofoPro@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    But there was warning, many sites mentioned Valve is working on a revision it wasn’t exactly a secret. We just weren’t sure what they we’re changing . You not knowing is not Valves fault. If you

    This happens all the time not sure what your complaining about when you chose to buy a SD, there were rumors months back

  • Random_Person1020@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I get how it feels a bit negative but end of the day, after Valve’s statements there was a whole range of competition launched and nothing forces people to move faster than competition. So I think it is OK that they backtrack on what they said and launched a refresh earlier to retain market leadership.

    Commercially for Valve, it also doesnt make sense to announce a launch earlier in this case as they will have a stock of LCD systems. Which they are already selling at steep discounts now to get rid of it.

    For a “small” company like Valve, I guess having inventory of LCD steam decks is more painful than Nintendo or others.

    If they announced earlier, they can watch LCD unit sales drop off and have a harder time to shift those units.

    Seems fine to me, what they did.

    Then note carefully Gabe said, he never said at a loss and following his statements, it can also be inferred that the 512GB model was not loss leading. So having a refresh here of the premium end may also be another revenue stream for them. As they were surprised that demand was for 512GB rather than 64GB.

    Again, good commercial move and also great for consumers.

  • SmoothieD00d@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Here’s a great example in my own life.

    I bought a brand new DJ controller (Traktor S4 Mk 2) not one week later does the new version (mk3) get released. Did it suck? Yeah. Did I throw a temper tantrum on the Native Instruments forum because of it? No. Did I go return it and make a fuss over everything? No.

    They all do the same shit. I wasn’t missing out on having LED platters just like you’re not missing out on anything the new deck has.

  • MaleficentSuccess469@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Really flies over my head personally. I didn’t get mad when the ps4 pro was announced. I waited till my og ps4 died and I bought one. 🤷 I got what I payed for, I’m not gonna stop enjoying my steam deck or rush to my wallet because a new model came out.

  • ir0ngut@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Every computer is obsolete and overpriced as soon as you buy it. Grow up and deal with it.

  • JonesCat_55@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I live in New Zealand, Valve do not sell the steam deck here. I finally caved and bought one a month ago from a local parallel import shop for $NZD1170 (256gb). It’s been available here since last year from these resellers but the high price always put it out of reach to me, that’s the price we pay for living at the end of the world.

    I love this thing, of course I want the new better model but I have no choice but to be happy with my purchase until the new model becomes available generally, this way I get to play steam deck now instead of waiting forever…

    i Get that people are annoyed by the lack of messaging I am a little too, but Valve probably cant hear the complaints over the sound of all the money they are making.