My warranty is also set to expire of August 24th of next year, is that normal? I just bought it a few days ago, shouldn’t warranty expire a year after purchase? Is that something apple support would correct?

I’m assuming the august date is when the laptop was packed to ship, or do you think I somehow got a returned laptop? Ordered from costco, which afaik, doesn’t resell apple products(always ships back).

Also have a loading bar when I turn the laptop on, swore when using my friends he didn’t have that(this is me probably being pedantic, lol).

Anyways I love this laptop, it’s so amazing and the speakers are pretty damn good.

  • jdmtv001@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I don’t turn off my Mac but expect when I update it I don’t remember seeing the loading bar. As far as your warranty you are covered based on the date of purchase listed on your invoice no matter what the system says. Customer service might be able to adjust that on the system based on your invoice but I don’t know for sure, you can ask them. Either way you are covered for 12 months. Don’t lose your invoice/receipt.

    If you want you can purchase Apple Care in the first 60 days without any inspection or visit to the Apple Store. You can do it online or from your settings menu from your Mac.