My warranty is also set to expire of August 24th of next year, is that normal? I just bought it a few days ago, shouldn’t warranty expire a year after purchase? Is that something apple support would correct?

I’m assuming the august date is when the laptop was packed to ship, or do you think I somehow got a returned laptop? Ordered from costco, which afaik, doesn’t resell apple products(always ships back).

Also have a loading bar when I turn the laptop on, swore when using my friends he didn’t have that(this is me probably being pedantic, lol).

Anyways I love this laptop, it’s so amazing and the speakers are pretty damn good.

  • Jealous-Front8545@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Three weeks ago I got a brand new MBA M2 through a local official reseller (there’s no Apple Store in my country) and the official warranty was set to expire by the end of this month. I contacted Apple and provide them the purchase receipt and it was fixed.