Hello everyone, my old MBP i7 16’ 2019 was bought 4 years ago off craiglist from his first owner face to face. Recently I had many issues with it and finally it had completely rebooted itself in “Internet Recovery Mode” while I was working on Ps.

Problem is, it requires the apple ID to complete the recovery but the iCloud email shown in that page isn’t mine and I assume it’s the first owner’s. I erased and deleted all his iCloud etc logins when I bought it years ago and I do not understand why it asks his email. I wouldve contacted him to ask but unfortunately I do not have the persons number or contact info either.

I bought a new MBP a few days ago cause it was time to make the switch anyway so I’m good but I’d love to know if there’s anyway I can fix the old one and sell it to be honest. The device still shows in my iCloud devices etc, what should I do? Is it fixable, should I contact Apple? Or should I use it as a very fancy cutting board?