I’m seeing a lot of posts saying wOS 10.1 has had an adverse effect on battery life, however on my new Apple Watch SE 2 it’s actually brought the battery life to a much more satisfactory point, one I expected I’d get from the initial 10.0 update. Has this been the case for anyone else?
Same! 10.0 absolutely killed the battery life on my 5, but 10.1 seemed to have brought it back to life! It’s been 12 hours since I took it off the charger, and I’m only down to 42%!
I’m really happy; it’s been a painful month on 10.0. 😂
I’ve been on Public Beta 10 since late July and still have yet to face any battery issues that get posted here. Battery life has been steady through all updates, I’m still on a Public Beta profile so far so good. I’m hoping it stays that way until I get my battery replaced (S4, 77% Battery health).