I have seen some posts related to how poorly office products work in the Mac world, and a I have previously asked a few of my own

I had to abandon Mac many years ago to survive with a job that only allowed windows and the fam and - you know just did not have the capacity to do work raise kids and live a bi-technical life

I recently purchased a MacBook and have been moving to use it full time. In general I LOVE it.

My current dilemma is figuring out how to make it store word documents in the directly I want *on* my Mac. I would be “semi” okay with cloud storage if it did not use the cryptic gibberish reference I previously had only seen when I install and configure servers and the app I implement for the job I’ve done for the last decades.

why is this platform interface and options so abysmal, *and* please, if you know how do I tell word (and I assume excel and powerpoint which I have not yet used but will) where the f I want my docs. I did not buy gigabytes of storage space on this for them to languish.

so bottom line the real question is how to even find the option - the menu structure is also completely different