I’m quite fortunate to have a 768p plasma TV (51 inches) which produces an amazing image. It’s not 4k, but it looks comparable to 1080p. I’m looking to buy a Steam deck, and playing games on this TV means game can look and run well.

I have already tested out many games on both my 4k and plasma TV, and while there is definitely a loss of detail the plasma picture is superb, especially for handling motion. I even played counter strike 2 on my shitty laptop and it was a much better experience than my 1440p monitor.

For anyone looking to play on a bigger screen I would recommend getting a used plasma TV in 720p, if it’s in good condition. At native resolution game will look better than displaying 720p on a 4k TV, they are cheap and produce decent picture by today’s standards (although not the best). Only running in 720p means it’s future proof as games try to target high resolutions.