Yesterday, my magnetic charger cable was connected to my deck. While I was placing it down, the charger disconnected and reconnected within a second. After the reconnection, the decks screen went black. I haven’t been able to start it again since then.

I suspect it may be caused by the wireless charger also connected to the USB-C charger on its second port, potentially causing overvoltage due to the USB-C charger’s struggle with the disconnect and reconnect while supplying the wireless charger.

I’ve attempted the 10-second reset, the boot menu, and the bios, but all I get is a brief spin of the fan and, in rare cases, an mostly incomplete chime. As someone with some repair skills, I followed the iFixit manual and checked components that appear to be working – the battery, controls, the ssd and audio seem okay, as the error persists even when they’re detached.

So, the final question: Is there still hope, perhaps by replacing a chip/resistor on the motherboard, or is there no hope? Unfortunately, the warranty expired just over a month ago. (Obviously :/ )