I asked for a refund on the steam deck 512gb price difference due to the recent sale but I don’t understand what the message means can some elaborate?

“Thanks for providing additional information that matches the account.

We had a look at your original purchase. We are not able to offer you a refund since the date of your purchase falls outside of our return policy.

However, as a customer service gesture, we can refund the original transaction to your Steam Wallet and automatically repurchase the items) at the current price. This will leave the remainder in your Steam Wallet. If you choose this option, we recommend waiting until you receive delivery and are confident that you have no wish to return the product for a refund before we proceed. Steam Wallet credit spent on nonrefundable purchases may make your original hardware transaction ineligible for refund to the original payment method. Please let us know if you agree with this.”

I don’t understand what they mean by receive delivery and do not wish to refund before processing and what do they mean by non refundable purchases on original hardware transaction?

Thanks in advance