Had been using Samsungs for about a decade and during the start of the Pandemic I was overdue an upgrade and the phone I was on at the time died (can’t remember the reason, was about 3.5 years old). Can’t remember what I got as a replacement but despite living most of the time in my coat pocket - the edge of it went (got the purple screen bleeding effect) and because I was using the phone for work at the time (they offered a free repair under Contract) I took whatever the almost bottom of the range Samsung was. That saw me around to when I got an upgrade (charging pin started to go - those seem way fragile now e.g. having to move the connector about so it connects cleanly?) and picked up an A23. The power button on that 11 months in has now stuck hard (e.g. can’t switch the phone off & have put it on Airplane mode to prevent it accidentally calling the Emergency Services twice today - which thankfully it did twice when it was in my hand & I hadn’t figured out what was wrong with the Button).

In short - I’ll probably take it for what it is and fork out for another one (need it for work calls) & thankfully can afford to take the hit at the minute - but has build quality dropped are phones just increasingly fragile?

Is there a more robust Samsung (I cased it + screen protectors but that didn’t seem to be enough) or do I look at another brand (e.g. phone history - I left Nokia when they went to Smartphones as the build quality was 💩, broke 2 in 6 months, had a year with a Sony Ericsson, & then had a trouble free decade with Samsung until the above)?

  • iamezekiel1_14@alien.topOPB
    11 months ago

    Couldn’t see a way of switching it off - there wasn’t a disable option. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s an EU regulation.