Ive been flirting with the idea of getting a handheld lately. I want the one to do “everything” i can play my pc library. I can emulate “somewhat demanding” classics. I can emulate nintendo switch if i wanted. Can the steam deck do these things? Can i emulate ps1-3 titles, can i play my steam library (mainly apex and 7 days to die…the other 900 games dont get much love these days) Can i emulate nintendo switch? Should i look into other hardware or is the deck capable?

How easily upgradable is it? Not like screen and covers but just ssd upgrades. Can i get the smaller size and pop a juicy ssd in it?

Im a very casual gamer, between being a dad, working man, husband and student. I might game for MAYBE 2 to 3 hours a week IF IM LUCKY! Which is why im trying to stay away from the ally and legion go. But i want whatever i get, to do everything im asking of it especially since im not a heavy gamer