First and for most I love my Android. It has served me well and I love the way it works. My daughter wants an iPhone to be more compatible with her friends phones (why iPhone has decided to make it difficult to be compatible is one of the many reasons I dislike Iphone) I am thinking if switching for my daughter so we compatible also. Please don’t sit here and tell me to switch because it is just better, because stat wise it is not.

I am thinking of getting her a 14 (she likes the smaller phones) for Christmas.

I am looking for those of you who were Android and switched to Apple and why. The good and bad and ugly.

UPDATE: Wow I got so many great responses! Thank you so much. I have read through all of them and I let my husband know I am going to try the new one. So the plan is for me to get the 15pro and my daughter (she doesn’t know) the 14

You were all so helpful and as much as I am hesitant I know my daughter will be so happy. She is one who asks for little and grateful for what she gets

  • PresenceKlutzy7167@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Went back to iPhone after like 6 years of Android and I enjoy it.

    Only things I‘m missing:

    • Auto Unlock. Android was able to unlock when my watch or headphones were connected. Since Siri won’t let me do certain things while being locked, I have to pull the screen up while driving for faceID in order to use my voice assistant.

    • Google assistant compatibilities. All of my IoT devices are not supported by apple home and those available are ridiculously expensive. So I have to use Siri to open Google Assistant.