I have an Apple Watch while my friend has a Fitbit. If I don’t try for steps I usually get 3000-6000 a day just doing things around my house and taking care of my kids (I’m a sahm). She is also a sahm and we chat via messenger throughout the day so I believe our lives are fairly similar. She says her step count when not trying is 10000-12000. I find this kind of hard to believe and now I’m wondering if one of our devices are faulty?

I know they’re different brands but the difference seems large, especially since she tells me often she’s watching tv or doing something not active and still gets high numbers.

If I’m trying hard I can get those numbers, but it’s really if I’m exercising or at a theme park.

Sorry if this is a really stupid post, but she sometimes makes me feel lazy and I don’t think I am.

  • baconman55@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    So I walk a lot at work so around 6000 steps. So I friend of mine works from home we share information and he gets 10000 steps in. No idea how he does it but believe the watch is not working