70-80% of the FINALLY PURCHASED IT posts I saw was with the limited edition. And it is still in stock. Isn’t that weird?

Btw I am living in Japan and it is impossible for me to get a LE I am so jealous (Finally got the 1 TB after 90 minutes of struggling)

They have a distributor in Asia named KODOMO and it was hell.

I opened an account and registered my address the minute OLED announced and added the 1TB to the wishlist.

While I was registering my address it didn’t warn me that I need to write the address in Japanese and it did in the checkout.

5 minutes before the launch, website totally crashed immediately and it was fucking 3 AM here.

Also since we have to buy it through a distributor website, I didn’t get any steam points at all…

In the end, after many rage sessions I was able to order a 1TB version. I wonder how many days I will have to wait until I get it.

I have a theory tho, since they sell the deck in Asia via distributor website and not on the steam page, Valve probably sent a handful amount of decks to Asia beforehand and that will mean that stocks and arrival time will be consistent compared to US and Canada. But we’ll see.