Howdy - just curious if anyone has played any DROD / Deadly Rooms of Death games on Steam Deck?

I had the three-level shareware demo version as a kid, and absolutely loved it. Played those three levels over and over again, half the time so I could just listen to the sound track.

I had no idea the game had four sequels - and all the games are on Steam!

A big ‘gimmick’ of the game was that it required 8 directional, 2D-top down movement. It was often played with a keyboard number pad to give you 8 directions.

I’m just curious how well that might translate to Steam Deck, and if anyone has tried it (or similar games).

Could I easily do 8 directions with the D Pad or the touch pads? Maybe use the triggers or back paddles for the diagonals? The Analog Stick could work too, but might be a little awkward.
