Hi all,

since SteamOS now supports ReShade in Gamescope, I have to ask if someone already could manage implementing own ReShade FX files into Gamescope.

My scenario: I want to get a CRT shader (usually just GTU.fx, because I love the smooth look) for pixel art games. Either on a per-game basis via start commands in Steam or system-wide.

Looking at the Gamescope github, this should work with --reshade-effect [path] and --reshade-technique-idx [idx].

In my scenario, the run command for an individual game in Steam would be

gamescope --reshade-effect GTU.fx --reshade-technique-idx GTUV50 -- %command%

However, with this the games just crash on startup.

A few things:
gamescope --help gives the hint that shaders should either be in /usr/share/gamescope/reshade/Shaders or ~/.local/share/gamescope/reshade/Shaders.
My GTU.fx shader is in the second path.

Also, it is not clear to me what the --reshade-technique-idx [idx] really is. I know from the ReShade ini config files, you usually write GTUV50@GTU.fx for techniques, but I don’t have any clue how it should be done here.

I already saw some people with system-wide CRT shaders (achieved with gamescope) and I would be very thankful if someone can post some insights here. Thank you in advance!