so they can match a refined skylake from 2015 then?
so they can match a refined skylake from 2015 then?
thats why we need to start NOW
thats actually kinda cool
which will be wonderful for budget upgraders/builders then just as this is now. i really hope it rings true. near top end performance for budget money is something intel cant touch
and there are probably people who went from 1400x to 5800x3d out there too… amazing
yep, and while am5 or am6 is my next upgrade depending on how long my 5800x3d lasts and how good the last am5 3d chip is compared to the first am6 one. am4 is just amzing for budget builders and upgraders atm.
yep it beats the 14th gen intel more often than id expect for such an old chip
while true, at least for gaming intel already proved it increaes performance
not only possible people have done it. dunno if theyve done it on amd but some soc have.
because sony ponies will buy anything.
Nintendo figured this out on a roided up gamecube in 2012! Sony get your shit together!
Yeah I’d just buy a used 2080ti and you’ll be ok for a bit
And yet you refuse to provide these things or any proof of your own
man i wish they made 3440x1440 at bigger than 34 inches…
No, it’s a feature of the laptops according to the OEM. Boost high as you can until you hit the thermal limit then back off
96 cores dont come cheap
also can fit in thinner cases
its a 6 year old 2.8 ghz 6 core 6 thread cpu trying to play a game made for a modern console running an 8 core 16 thread cpu. your chip is way too weak, a good bit below the recomended settings
and before too long the 5700x3d will be an even cheaper upgrade for those still on am4
they are all basically skylake, just with some more cache(but not the type of increase that amd’s 3d cache has for example) and out of the box over clocking.