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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • The second season has more action, which is something that the first season only hinted at. Having watched the whole series twice, I liked it better the second time. I have some issues with the last episode and some of the redeeming features are the soundtrack, some of the locations, and the cinematography. I’d give it a 6 out of 10 overall. I find TV+ to be a mixed bag at best. Foundation is a lot better IMHO.

  • I rewatched Invasion in a binge session. I feel that it was better the second time around as I understood the plot and characters better. To be fair, my first viewing was not serious. There is a slight twist in the last minutes of the last episode, which now leaves me wondering if there will be a third season and where it would go, plot-wise.

    In retrospect, some of the characters really bugged me. The Aneesah character in particular, she has no logic, jut bare emotion, and should not be getting the Mother of the Year award, her kids get taken because, in a narcissistic fashion, she’s always off doing her own desires. Also I found the Luke character most annoying.

    Props to Mitsuki and Tevante, who had the most interesting story arcs.

    In all, I feel that both seasons ran too long and could have been edited down to increase the pace. The first season is devoted almost exclusively to character development, which makes for a long slog. One could almost start with the last episode of the first season and go on from there.

    I also broke down and watched the latest Indiana Jones film. I liked it, especially the plot twist near the end, but the thought now occurs to me thst every Indiana Jones movie is just and extended chase scene. Cinematography and locations were great.