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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • Thank you for all the work you do for this community. As soon as I ordered my OLED i was waiting on word for you on how CU holds up. Glad to hear it’s still worth having!

    Also I don’t know if this would be the correct place to put this, but I did have a scary glitch occur. I just reinstalled the latest version of cryoutilities on my steam deck OLED, i then hit recommended settings and after that I turned it off from desktop and booted recovery mode to change the vram to 4gb. I rebooted back up, went back into desktop to double check that it worked, and went back to gaming mode (all pretty fast, i think before the deck really had time to boot up and settle in? Is that a thing?). As i switched to gaming mode the screen went black and these glitchy vertical green lines started creeping across my screen from right to left, while i could still move the sticks and get menu sounds. I ended up holding the power button down til it shut off and rebooted and everything seems fine? But I really thought i borked the whole thing for a minute there lol. Maybe this isn’t actually cryoutilities related but in case it is I thought i should tell you! That said I’ve turned it on and off multiple times later today just during regular usage and it seems fine now?