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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Everybody WANTS PS5. There is almost a sense of “making do” with the Xbox, like even if you get an Xbox, you still want a PS5. But if you have a PS5, you don’t really want an Xbox much.

    I am a PC + Nintendo kinda guy so I have no dog in this particular console war but this is my observation of the tone of this console generation. Microsoft seriously needs to start investing even more into some 1st party games development if they ever want any chance to make the Sony console feel like “that other thing”, which their current generation pushes could even possibly have done if it was actually backed up by some serious heavy hitter megatonne blockbuster titles. You know, like the more successful consoles?

    Maybe the next Halo can just be a classic awesome Halo game that has a bunch of working features and shit and there are also other actually excellent, premium games to play on their console.

  • They could just keep support it moving forward as long as they are willing to have some initial “tail” on adoption. Not too long from now, the 14th gen chips will be the old ones and people will be buying further ones as “cutting edge”.

    Bringing the feature to 12th and 13th gen CPUs would increase immediate adoption but also could increase the tail on when those users upgrade. If this feature is worthwhile anyway, it WOULD contribute to people currently on 12 and 13 gen CPUs to upgrade down the line through forced obsolescence: it would be one more feature separating the 14th+ gens from older ones, not just the 14th gen.

    All in all, Intel’s incentive is against making the older CPUs perform better and last longer.

    Consumers should switch to an AMD proc (ignoring whatever problems AND has themselves) when upgrading next, only way to show that forced obsolescence won’t fly.