A simple scale from 1-10
A simple scale from 1-10
The new OS stops the user from inadvertently swiping to a new watch face. It now only requires a simple push to swipe.
It has been a great improvement to my experience with the watch. Some people just can’t handle change even when it’s for the better.
Gentler Streak, HeartWatch & AutoSleep, Training Today, CardioBot and Hello Weather.
OS 10 is awesome. It’s made my watch experience much better.
I do not want cellular either but I still got an Ultra 2 and just don’t use that feature.
I got one yesterday! Came from an Apple Watch 6 with 81% battery. I got the trail loop. Congrats. Love it!
I have not had any issues on 10. Battery has been great on my Series 6. I also think the new changes have been awesome. I run with a way less cluttered watch face and love the Smart Stack much better. I like the use of the second button for control centre. It just makes more sense to me. Sometimes people have trouble with change even when it’s for the better.
I’m not using it at all but I still love my new Ultra 2.