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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • I’'m not sure if I got a lemon or what. I had an OG Deck and it had close to no bugs whatsoever.

    Out of the gate it had the wifi problem. It logs me out of my account with a ? over my avatar but the frame is still there. It loved to do this after sleep, but it seems better now.

    It had a lot of problems just downloading games. Very finicky, like it would just freeze and not move, or go to 100% and just stay there. Rebooting seemed to fix it.

    General performance hiccups off the SD card (possibly not just SD card) that I never noticed on my OG.

    When sleeping, it likes to black the screen out as if its off, but if you hit the Steam button or the one on the other side, those menus pop up over the black.

    My latest fun is the stupid thing won’t show the Microsoft login screen for Sea of Thieves (what I play most by a lot). Again, it’s just black. The task switcher thing shows it’s open and in focus, and if you close it Sea says you have to login to MS (ashbeard error I think).

    This thing has a been a dumpster fire compared to my OG deck so far.