The amount of carbon this has undoubtedly put into our atmosphere is really my main concern. Yes I know you can do hacky workarounds to fix this, but how many of their consumers did this? Roughly none. What a waste of our planets resources.

  • JasonMZW20@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The amount of carbon emitted depends on your region’s power mix. At night, when solar is unavailable, yes, it might be higher, but honestly, 100W is nothing (0.1kW). If your PC isn’t put to sleep or turned off, and instead idles most of the day, those are entirely your emissions.

    Level 3 EV chargers at dedicated stations draw up to 200kW (50/100kW vehicles are common now), so imagine when 95% of the world population has EVs. We’re rapidly heading toward disaster without the necessary infrastructure and no one wants to hear it.

    Humans breathe out CO2 as well (and expel methane, an even stronger GHG), and there’s 8+ billion of us doing that 24/7. We’re carbon-based life, so carbon is always going to be emitted. The issue is that we deforested and paved over our carbon sinks because we’re shortsighted anytime money is involved.

    Also, good luck solving your issue.

    • dudeimsupercereal@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Yeah you put it in better perspective than anybody. You are right, It’s incredibly minuscule, but I think there’s value to caring about every Wh or kWh. A little bit everywhere goes a long ways