On github Valve employee was denying bug, telling people that it’s only bug in performance overlay (like it simply slow to draw frequencies in between 200-1040) but was proven wrong in the same bug report thread. Demonstration of this bug presented here.
I just tested it myself and you still get major performance issues with gpu set to auto. “Allow tearing” setting has no effect on this. Even if game can go above 1040 mhz by itself it drop frequencies and frames hard on auto because occasionally it switches to 200 mhz or 1040 in scenes where it should not do that.For example Code Vein is not able to hold stable 60 FPS but able to hold stable 50, with locked GPU you will get flat line on frame time graph. With auto you will get major dips.
I guess we’re stuck with “unstable” stable OS 3.5.5 - 3.5.7 for a while because holidays starting in US.
For what it’s worth, I think there are two bugs going on with the GPU clock at the moment.
For some people it’s effecting performance, for others it’s purely visual (which seems to be the group I’m in).
I’ve just updated and I’m still seeing the exact same behaviour (visually jumping between 200 and 1024) as before though, so whatever their temporary fix was, it’s hasn’t worked.
I doubt it. It’s more likely game dependent. In Dark Souls Remastered I have zero issues it seems despite gpu sitting at 200/1040 all the time.
Possibly, I could just be lucky that I’ve not found a game yet that seems to have taken a performance hit on my end.
But even Forza Horizon 5, a game that I would assume would become absolutely unplayable if it dropped down to 200, manages to drop to 200 for multiple seconds at a time and maintain the same frame times that I had in 3.4 for me.
Don’t doubt it. Does my GPU jump between 200 and 1040? Yes, but it also clocks up to 1600 without any issues. I has so far not had any problems with any game I tested.
The scenario shown on the video, it just doesn’t happen to me. The GPU does not get stuck at 1040, it’s doing fine.
Unfortunately for me, me LED Deck runs cyberpunk better than OLED, which is a stuttering mess. I’m sad.
And if you set it to 1600 manually?
Thanks for teying to help, yeah i tried that. Getting a locked 30 feels impossible on OLED. OG deck ran cyberpunk at 30 easily, and stutters were non-existent.