I realize this will most likely get closed and linked to megathread, but posting this anyway for those who may be interested. Some of this info was in a previous post that was closed.

I received my 1TB limited edition (LE) oled Steam Deck and a regular 1TB Oled Steam Deck last week. Here are a few observations in no particular order from someone who is kind of OCD about this stuff. If I say something appears better or worse, it is just my opinion or preference. Also, these observations apply to my specific hardware and do not represent every unit of the same type.

  • The LE is approximately 22g lighter than the regular version. This could be due to the case materials, oled panel differences (next bullet), or some other internal differences. This weight difference is more apparent than you might think.
  • My LE has a BOE oled panel and the regular edition has a Samsung oled Panel. It seems nearly all LE versions have the BOE panel.
    • I recorded both displays running a loop of colors (I used this test when checking for dead pixels) and the LE BOE panel is consistently more vibrant across all colors. This is not necessarily an indication of panel quality but more likely just how the screens were calibrated out of the box.
    • Almost no mura effect or graininess at all on the LE BOE panel, while the Samsung panel has typical (slight) mura/graininess on some colors, particularly dark greys.
    • No dead pixels or any apparent defects on either panel.
    • I used high fps capture on my phone to record both units playing several different motion tests. Both displays appeared to handle motion pretty much perfectly with almost no variation between them.
      • When looking at the slow-motion video, both displays had some degree of flickering whit the Samsung panel showing more visible flickering than the BOE panel. I am not an expert, but I assume this means both displays are using PWM and the PWM frequency is not the same for both panels. I did not notice any effects of PWM under normal use from either.
    • The etched glass coating on the LE BOE panel is different from the etched glass on the Samsung panel. Off angle (greater angle than is likely typical under normal use), the Samsung panel starts to get a rainbow/oil slick effect that I find a bit distracting and distorts the colors. I put a glass screen protector on both so this is not really relevant for me anymore.
    • The LE BOE panel has less gap between the glass and the panel. It’s hard to describe how this translates into use, but, for me, it’s easier to focus on the finer details of the screen and almost looks like you’re viewing/touching the panel directly.
    • When powered off and viewing both units side by side at any non-direct angle, the Samsung display picks up more reflections and the line between the panel and the bezels is clearly visible while the BOE panel appears less visible. This is hard to describe, but the Samsung display almost appears as though it is turned on when viewed from an off angle.
  • I prefer the feel of the case material on the LE over the regular edition. The regular edition feels almost chalky and shows fingerprints and hand oils more visibly than the LE. Both feel great in the hand overall.
  • Structurally, the regular edition feels more solid. There is no flex at all, and it feels really strong for something so long and thin. The LE still feels strong but there is a bit of flex when pressing in several areas such as on the underside directly beneath the screen. I can also get the LE to creak if I apply enough pressure or twist my grip whereas the regular edition remains rock solid.
  • The regular edition left touchpad has a different audible frequency than the right. I am not sure if this is intended, but I do not notice this on the LE.
  • The R1 L1 bumpers are stiffer on the LE (maybe too stiff?).
  • The dpad and face buttons feel identical on both versions.
  • The charging light on the LE is visible from the front and is quite annoying. This has been a well-documented complaint. Apparently, this can be turned off completely via bios and there may be an update coming to reduce the led brightness.
  • Personally, I like the look of the regular edition better, as I prefer a cleaner/simpler look with most things. While I like the case material of the LE, I find the orange accents on the thumbsticks a bit distracting. I think I would like the LE case with black accents and may try this in the future.
  • Overall, if I was only going to keep one, the LE is slightly preferred due to lighter weight, preferred screen, and material feel. However, I think both are awesome and can see benefits to both.
  • sdiaz6115@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ve also been comparing both and found the mura effect worse on the LE, I can see the texture of the etched display in bright scenes whereas the non-LE was just a clearer perceivable picture. No dead pixels in either display fwiw.

    If LE came with gloss display, it would be my choice.

    • willsm0ke@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Thank you for sharing that. It seems its not always the case that the BOE will have a reduced mura effect or perhaps my Samsung panel is a bit worse than yours. I am curious about what you described as seeing the etched glass in bright scenes as I have not noticed this (though I do not have a 512 glossy to compare to). Is your non-LE a 1tb version with etched glass?

      • sdiaz6115@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        The comparative non-LE is glossy yes. I ran a few comparisons though not as precise as yours, merely eye tests. In order to remove any lighting condition variables, I tested both displays side by side in a dark room.

        The test that convinced me to go glossy was Dave the Diver, looking at the sky while on the boat. On the etched display, I could see a uniform “texture” across the clouds and sky from the etching, on gloss I could see “clear” uniform color with minimal mura.

        I want to note that it took me a couple of days with both devices to finally notice this, and it’s not noticeable at a normal viewing distance. You have to get very close to the display, but it’s one of those things where once you see it, it’s in the back of your mind all the time.

        Can’t go wrong with either device.

        Appreciate this post and your own results!

    • gangstazn24@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      It seems it was just a defective Samsung panel he had that’s why his Samsung looked worse than his BOE

    • Inevitable_Ad4684@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      He’s not talking about bright scenes. That’s not a problem for the Samsung panel. Here’s an easy way to check the uniformity of your OLED panel on dark colors:


      Skip to 15-15-15 and watch from there on.

      Some degree of mura on dark colors seems to be normal for OLED panels. I have yet to see an OLED panel completely free of it (tested multiple LG OLED TVs, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 7 Pro, iPhone 15, iPhone 14, Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, Galaxy Fold 4, Switch OLED and many more devices…).

      It’s interesting that the BOE panel is reported to have less/no mura. Makes me even more pissed that there is no LE in Europe. Anyone received a normal SD OLED with a BOE panel? Are there any out there?

      • ShiftyThePirate@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Bro I just got my LE and it has dead pixels and stuck reds…I’d much rather have a Samsung panel esp if I had to IMPORT it, I got mine today and was so disappointed.

      • AcanthaceaeOpening65@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        I’m really surprised by how much better the BOE panel uniformity is in comparison to Samsung. I’m trying to find grain on my LE but it’s just solid and I’m really impressed with how clear the display is. The samsung panel is about as grainy as my switch OLED and I’m surprised to see that after all these years samsung did not improve the quality of their calibration and let BOE pass them up in panel uniformity.

      • sdiaz6115@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Yea totally, just wanted to share some of my own testing. Hadn’t seen a thread with a deep comparison of the displays other than “I don’t want to see my face in the reflection”